News and Updates

- Lenexa Art Fair, Lenexa KS , May 10, 2025
- 80 Santa Fe Gallery - "Art with Heart"-juried group show, Overland Park, KS
- Buttonwood Art Center - "Art for Healing Hearts" - juried group show, Kansas City, MO Thru March 27, 2025
- Lawrence Art Guild Member's Art Show, Lawrence, KS Nov 29 - Jan 24
- LAG Holiday Fair at Cider Gallery, Lawrence, KS Dec 14 & 15 10am - 5pm
- 80 Santa Fe Art Gallery, Overland Park, KS, Annual Small Works Nov 15 - Jan 10
- InterUrban Arthouse, Overland Park, KS annual 12x12 show Oct 18-Dec 13
- 80 Santa Fe Art Gallery, Overland Park, KS Plein Aire exhibit until Oct. 18
- Lawrence Art in the Park, Lawrence, KS , June 2024, juried national art fair
- Lenexa Art Fair 2024 Lenexa, KS juried national art fair
- RG Endres Gallery, Prairie Village, KS Group of 3 artists January 6 - March 2
- Crows Coffee, South Plaza, KC, MO Solo show March - April
- Jewish Culture Fest, Overland Park, KS, Annual Juried Art Fair October 15, 2023
- Lenexa Art Fair 2023 Lenexa, KS juried national art fair
- Buttonwood Art Space, KC, MO "From the Earth" juried exhibit April 2023
- Buttonwood Art Space, KC, MO "Serenity" juried exhibit July - Sept 2023
- 80 Santa Fe Art Gallery, Overland Park, KS "Color Pop" - juried art exhibit
- 80 SantaFe Art Gallery, Overland Park, KS "Emergence" - juried art exhibit
- Forces of the Loop was included in the 40th Annual Art Auction benefiting the Kansas City Artists' Coalition on February 25, 2023. The base is a 36"diameter former RR crossing sign rescued from the Mississippi River and repurposed into a painting reflecting the renewal of physical objects, ideas and ways of working from the basic organic to the technological.
- Buttonwood Art Space, KC, MO Celestial Treasure accepted into "The Art of Discovery"
- RG Endres Gallery, Prairie Village, KS "State of the Arts" annual juried show - Honorable Mention prize
- Gretchen Brigham Gallery, St Louis, MO "Peace - Who is God" juried exhibit
- Buttonwood Art Space, KC, MO Celestial Treasure accepted into "The Art of Discovery"
- Buttonwood Art Space, KC, MO Primal Count 100 accepted into "Visions of the Flint Hills" - juried exhibit
- Buttonwood Art Space, KC, MO "Rhythm & Reveal" - juried exhibit
- Images Art Gallery, Overland Park, KS "18th Annual Juried Art Show"
- Buttonwood Art Space, KC, MO "Abstract Hearts for All" - juried exhibit
- Parade of Hearts for Kansas City - 154 fiberglass forms were distributed to artists whose designs were selected from 700 submissions for this public art project. The painted hearts were exhibited in Kansas City and surrounding counties for 2 months before being publicly auctioned in June.
- Art class teaching continues
- Images Art Gallery, Overland Park, KS Let it Show annual exhibit at , Overland Park, KS
- Jones Gallery, KC, MO - December and September Group Art Shows
- Submission chosen: I was one of 125 artists chosen to design and paint one of the public art heart sculptures for the Kansas City "Parade of Hearts" campaign.
- Crow's Coffee, Kansas City, MO -curated selection of "Earth Code Genesis" framed prints
- R.G.Endres Gallery Prairie Village State of the Arts Juried Exhibit at , Prairie Village, KS
- Gretchen Brigham Gallery, St Louis, MO "Visualizing Hope: Who is God" - the Midwest invitational featuring 25 artists
- Buttonwood Art Space KC, MO "Visions of the Flint Hills" juried exhibit included Beyond the Moon and Somewhere Else
- Mosaic Life Care, St Joseph, MO - 20 Paintings included in Group Art Show
- Images Art Gallery, Overland Park, KS - 17th annual juried art show The Horse - 2nd Place winner for Painting and Drawing
- Tim Murphy Art Gallery, Miriam, KS "Green Bayou" accepted to the annual national juried "Heartland Exhibit"
- TAE Postcard Show, Worchstershire, UK
- Art lessons to home-schooled children. A few projects we have done: color wheels, perspective drawing, printmaking, op-art, paper mache, model building, printmaking and are now getting ready to learn how to make paper!
- Images Art Gallery, Overland Park, KS Solo show of 30 paintings